Day old broiler chicks for sale.... $0.55

Shay, I might be interested too and I'm in RI. Where in MA are you? Maybe we can split the shipping cost and I can come pick up my part of the order or you can come get them at my place.
I'd be wanting 100.

Jeff, my zip is 02816. What breed are these birds, Cornish X?
For some reason the chicks will take three days to get to your location... First option is to do express which is $65.00 (really high I know)

Second option is do you have a relative close by but closer to a bigger city. Are you out in the country? If you can I could try another zip and see if it works.

Sorry... but not much I can do.


No I don't have any realatives close to me that is near a bigger city. I am kinda in the country. That is ok tough thanks I appreciate you checking for me. I will order from someone closer. thank you again.
Yep pick up is fine... do you want me to put you down on a pick up?

Yes, I do. You are going to have your hands full it sounds like. Let me know the details. Thanks
Yeah I already do, I have about 500 pms and trying to get things organized lol... I didn't think this many people would want them lol.
as of right now we plan on moving into a house up close to Akron.
we will be able to have chicks there and i would like get some. when do you need a def. answer by?
Middle of April is when I need the def answer by. Are meat birds what you want? Or are you looking more for laying hens? I will have started pullets ready in June if you would like those instead.

These particular meat chicks that I'm selling now are ready to butcher in 6-8 weeks and aren't your averarge chicken....
How often do you get them?? I already ordered 50 that are coming tomorrow. But I would def like to get them next time!!
we should know by then.
i will kepp you posted ok.

i want meat ones and egg ones.
what kind of pullets will you have?

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