Well I will try and find another female........ I thought maybe since they just started ,they are 5 months old , hope another female works............ if not my poor chickens...........
I just saw this post. Yes, my four guineas, who were raised in the coop with the chickens in a nursery section from 4 weeks old, were very very tame. They lived peacefully with the chickens for months. I loved them-two males, two females. When they were close to laying age, those terrible "teen years", my alpha male suddenly got it into his head that one particular RIR hen had to die. He attacked her constantly, then the other RIR's, then the other three guineas were helping in the attack. I got Hawkeye, my big Barred Rock rooster during the time I had my guineas on lockdown in their own separate coop. When released, my male Dodger made these runs at Hawkeye. The rooster could handle Dodger, but he couldn't handle being attacked from four different sides, being bodyslammed and run into the woods.
The writing was on the wall. They had to be rehomed. A BYC member in Asheville, NC, with a farm bought them and they were doing very well. Dodger met up with birds bigger and way tougher than he was-geese, turkeys, etc. I miss him so much and may have guineas again, but they will be hatched here by a broody hen. Don't know if that will change anything because they are what they are and nothing like chickens, but it may be worth a try.
Sorry about your problems. I love guineas.
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I've heard many times of guineas beating up on chickens. You better separate them for the sake of the chickens and, if it were me, I'd find them a new home pronto! I had two guineas and rehomed them before they got to the stage of yours but I saw the writing on the wall. They were just beginning to get aggressive towards my chickens and there ain't no way I'm letting my chickens get beat up by some polka dotted pin cushions!!! Good luck.

Normally Guineas & chickens do not get along.
Guineas can & will kill chicks, hens & roosters.

We had 3 Guineas that would roost with the chickens in the winter, but I had to be out there at the crack of dawn to open the coop door or they would terrorize my chickens. They were old Guineas.
My young ones stay outside, & chase the free-range chickens from time to time.

Now, my dogs (LGD) usually stop any squabbles before it gets too serious. Or, my Peacock jumps in & stops it. I don't think he is trying to break it up, I think he wants to fight, but they all scatter when he does this.

I've heard of people keeping them together, but I never heard about if it worked out after the Guineas became older.

A guinea can and does demand more territory than a rooster. They can and will KILL the dominant roo and hen. They cannot be changed they are that way for a reason. Yes I hear they taste good and I plan of butchering a few to see. All mine are penned up and thats the way they stay... They also have tasty eggs.

Enjoy the fruits of their labors but keep them seperated at all time. No free ranging the two types together because it will start all over again.

Guineas were re-homed today............sad.but my hens and rooster are just chillin without it is a good thing............someday I will build another coop and get some more Gunieas..........I miss them already
Oh, I am so sorry!!
You had to do it though, I cannot imagine keeping birds that would attack. But I know you wanted them so badly, again, so sorry.

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