cockerel or pullet? how to tell


10 Years
Mar 10, 2009
Central Indiana
when is the earliest you can detect if you have a cockerel or a pullet? what are some of the signs/characteristics.
i have one whos tail feathers are different and bigger!
For most breeds, the secondary sex characteristics start to show themselves between four and six weeks. If your chicks are at least that old you could post some pics and we'll try to help you out.
they are only 2 weeks.
but one is just really different!
i have 2 black australorps and it is one of those that are different.
will wait and see!!!
if the comb is yellow at 2 weeks will it TURN red at 4-6 weeks if a roos? and stay yellow if a pullet?
The pullets start getting some color to their combs and both develop larger combs, it just happens younger in the cockerels.
I went through this last year even though I bought sexed pullets. They can make mistakes when sexing them and I was horribly worried I had a roo on my hands before I was ready to have one. It was just really difficult for me with the BA's. My other chicks this year are proving somewhat easier, though there are still a couple that keep me wondering.
I have been able to tell around four weeks by their feathering! The male's backs will be just about bare and the "wing bows" are naked, but the pullets will be pretty much feathered out. The comb usually has a bit more pink on it than the girl's do, too. I've been able to tell 1st by the comb and then confirmed by the feathering. Good luck... you only have a couple of more weeks before you can tell. I'm not a good judge on the tail feathers, however some people are!

Here is the excerpt from another thread:

Edited to add: Ha! I didn't realize Gritsar had posted on this already! Gritsar has posted a lot of useful information, I've used the infomation above to accurately determine that I have had *way* more cockerels than a person should ever have! Thanks!
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So I bought two pullets but one seems to be growing a comb and some tail feathers both are in this picture. Can someone give me advice as I am not quite sure

Scott Novell
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