DEFORMED EGGS!!! Can anyone help?

Thanks for pointing me to this site. It seems that one of my girls has an Immature shell gland. The other causes don't make sense. Unfortunately there isn't anything I can do about it. All six of my hens were raised the same way, eat the same food but one of them lays wrinkled eggs with a small crack at the air sack end. I wonder why one would lay before she was mature enough while her sisters waited.
The one hen's eggs have always been a bit wrinkled. The cracks started maybe two months ago.

The other girl's shells are all nice like a store egg. All the girls are 13 months old with oyster shell and layer pellets.
Always offer the oyster shell in a seperate container. if you mix it with feed sometimes they will actually get too much of it at one time. Too much is as bad as not enough calcium.
I have the same problem and i feed exactly like you do. The egg taste fine and mt hen seems in good health
I have 6 hens and they just now are starting to lay. They are 20 weeks old and right now I'm only getting one egg a day so I'm not sure which ones are laying. Today I got a distorted egg. Was wondering if anyone has gotten any and why? My hens are healthy. They are free range and I spend time every day watching them so I know they are not sneezing or coughing. Can an egg get stuck and come out side ways? I attached the picture. I feed them purina premium oyster strong (in a blue bag) and also this week started mixing with some scratch grains.

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