Putting Faces With Names (Submit Your Mug Here!)


This is me and my daughter Maya.


This is my husband James

I also have pics of my stepkids, but I need to upload them to photobucket

Will edit later:frow
Ok I am going to try to post the picture...I hope I do this right. I just started the whole photobucket thing and new to that too.....


This is a picture of the family (human family)!!! We took this while hubby was home on military leave from Iraq during the summer of 2005.
Kids are a little older.

oh i did it, it worked....
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This is a picture of me with one of my great-nieces at my parent's house in Georgia:


This is my wonderful husband, while we were visiting our daughter in Colorado:


And here we are together down at the old cabin at the front of our property, where we spent many weekends before we got our house up in the middle of the property:



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