When do chicks leave mother hen?

I have a chick that is almost 4 months and he still sleeps with his mom every night. He has sat on eggs with her and everything. He is even helping her with the new babies that just hatched! He leaves her for about an hour at a time to hang out with our roosters or to go eat pincher bugs under our hay loft. I don't know when he will stop sleeping with her tho. Probably when he is too big to fit in the small roosting box with her. lol.
He's what you call a millennial chicken.
It does seem that single chicks stay attached to mom (male or female chicks) for whatever reason. One of mine started weaning them at 21 days (it was June/July) and the other ... the other didn't wean until 9 weeks old (Oct-Dec). Not sure how much of it was due to the time of year- or just differences in the hens themselves.

Originally she had 8 chicks, but one got injured so I had to bring it and one of the others in for company. They were still sleeping together in their nest at 5-6 weeks old, which is about how old they were in these pictures. It was getting a little ... embarrassing. ;) Like, come on guys, you're fully feathered, you do NOT need to be tucked under her. They could have stood up and carried her off!!

That’s really cute. Mine are six weeks and still do the same thing! They barely fit under mum!
When do chicks leave their mother hen? Ours are about 4 weeks old(to be exact: Peanut-30 days old, Juno-29 days old, and Suzy-28 days old) They are all still following their mother hen around during the day(sometimes wondering a short distance away to explore a little) and she still protects them(last week she attacked my brothers toy plane that landed nearby her and the chicks! LOL)

When should they start to become independent? Will it affect them if some stay in the same coop with her when they are older?
My little Cochin is like 4 months old and is still following her mom around. But she is usually far away from her mom. But you can take away their mom after one week of age if it's during like the summer. Your chicks should be fine to go in the same coop as their mom when they get older.
I think when the chicks quit following her and do t fleet under her any more.

When I sell chicks, I take the mom out at one week of age. (Only during the summer) then I wait a week and sell them. They might be really loud of a day, but that's because they're looking for their mom, and momm will act broody but rea.lly is not, she might look for her babies.

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