What Can I feed to my Button Quail?

Quail grow very quickly and need high protien. I would check your starter. Above 20% is good for protien. I use 28% personally in Game bird / turkey starters. Chicks wont need treats as starter has all they need in it , however, those seeds should be ok for them.
You mean Millet?

That reminds me I have to go buy a bag here soon lol

I don't have buttons. But I have read up and they eat the non medicated chick starter/ grower crumble

I was going to get some but I decided Id rather not.. So good luck with your new baby
If you use them use it as treats. They wouldn't have enough in it to feed the quail. As far as how much... depends on how many babies but for treats I'd say a small or medium bag.
Millet should be used as a treat, and my buttons absolutely love it!! I have gotten cheap, though, and give them parakeet seed instead
It is still millet, just not on the 'bush'.
Buttons should be on a high protein game bird starter. They do great on 28 turkey starter I keep them on it their whole lives. Other items like millet and finch food is a treat. They also like greens boiled eggs shells and all.

My Buttons like the wild finch food and scarf it up and they also like the meal worms or anyother bug that they can get ahold of.
As a treat I give them some spray millet and scrambled eggs and also some either kale or collard greens.
Also I give mine the granite chick gravel and while all of my buttons turn a pretty pink they love to eat and take their dirt baths in the grit.
Crazy little buggers for sure and boy the boink ability is wild.
Easy care even though they love to play in their food and mine have learned to drink from a water bottle attached to the side of the cage.They are very nosey so pecking at the metal ball and then tasting the water when they did taught them how to drink from it and that makes for no dirty water unless they want to bath and then I put an oval low plastic dish in and whatch the fun.
Mine are 6+ weeks so it is ok for them to bath that way,I wouldn't do it for the smaller ones since they can drown very easily.
Take care and enjoy they are fun.

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