When we moved to this house the only option I had for a pantry was in the garage. I had most of my drygoods in glass jars, but there were a few plastic and/or paper packages as well. I very quickly saw mouse damage/droppings, and once I even saw the mouse. We put a cat flap in the door between the house and garage; for awhile the cats were very interested in that area, though I don't think they caught anything. But in 6 years I have seen no more signs of mice there. I also have put EVERYTHING into glass jars or cookie tins. I know you said that you can't have cats. This comment is just for information, for those who don't think cats will help with a mouse problem. Mine are pretty good mousers, at least a couple of them are, but in an enclosed area I think just having their scent around will keep mice at bay.
Get some cats!!! I have 6 cats and 3 feral that hang around. I like mice but I've never had one (a wild one) in or around my house.
Hi, i have a mice/rat problem too. Haven't gotten them taken care of yet but i can tell you the sonic plugins don't work a bit. Not even for a day. We've killed a couple by traps. They go in the garage and attic too so you/I can put traps in places the animals don't get. I worry about poison because they eat it in one place but i can't control where they die. I will say though, i'm seriously thinking about getting an exterminator because i kill 3 rats and i'm sure there are many more that i don't get. In this article it says mint leaves are a natural deterrent for mice. You may want to find out if mint is toxic to your birds, if not then you could spread it around the base of the cage. I'm assuming it's not toxic to chickens since they suggest the same for the chicken coop. Just don't get the plug ins, i spent 20.00 on night lights bc that is all they are good for.
Tamper proof bait box with chunx bait. I've used two of them for years. I got two as I was overrun with vermin. Rats getting into your house is not fun. Very hard to get rid of them when they get in there. As for rats. chipmunk and mice in holes or around and in outside wood piles or sheds the bait box will work wonders. I keep one in the run (don't do this if you've got chicks) and one up against the house on the coop side. Use to live with 3 cats that all went outside. Neighbor had two dogs that were always in my yard. Never a problem using chunx bait. Once in the 3 years of using it I found a dead chipmunk on the lawn on my way to letting birds out at 6 am. Put it in the trash.

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A mouse cannot run off with a snap-trap. A large rat may be able to take off with a snap trap sized for mice. If you decide to use snap traps, set them close to a wall. Mice will almost always choose to skirt along the base of a wall when cruising through the house.

The advice of using peanut butter is dead-on. They can't resist the stuff. If I had mice inside my oven, the oven would go! You can definitely get ahead of the mouse problem with snap-traps. Poison would probably help it along much faster. I actually don't give a rat's patooty how the mice or rats die. They are filthy vermin and I would not tolerate them in my house for 1 minute if I could prevent them.

The electronic things that are supposed to drive them away with sound is a total farce.
My coop has a mice party every night, I have a camera in there and I can watch them come out as soon as the chickens get ready to sleep. I have a trap that collects a mouse a night, will I ever end collecting them? They dont come out druing the day and the coop is closed at night so my cats cant help there. I dnt want to poison because I think they live in between walls and dont want dead mice smell. Trap is set every night with some bread. Not sure if this will be a non stop routine but I cannot stand their presence in my coop.

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