Do peahens display tail feathers?


15 Years
Apr 14, 2007
Portland TN
Yesterday I saw one of my 2 mo. old peafowl displaying their tail feathers to my cat, who was imposing on their space. So I got to wondering if pea HENS display their tails too in an act of aggression or is this a sign of a definite male. I still can't tell if I have hens or cocks so this was the first sign of display I've seen. Also, at what age do they start calling? This is my 1st trip down the peafowl road and I'm learning as I go. Thanks.
Hi, yes Peahens will hold there tail upright and shake it to help make themselves look more intimidating to threats, or each other. Are they Indian Blues? If so you should be able to tell the sex, my flight feather color.
Yes they are India Blues. Deerman sent a pic of the difference on another post, but mine all look the same, when they are still enough for me to look. Any help would be a blessing .
Yes, plus they lose the barred on the feathers on the back.

Colors go by the males neck color,india blues. males blue neck feathers,females green neck feathers.
Hi I would love to see new pictures! I ended up with 7 babies this year out of that trio 3 whites and 4 dark pied I just love the babies they are so cute when they start to act "grown"
Actually, both boys and girls get green on their necks, but only the males ever show any blue. Some young males start out with a lot of green mixed with the blue on neck, they always end up solid blue by a year old or two years though.

Females definitely can raise their tails. They can do this as a reaction to something like the cat in the first post but, they can also just throw that tail up for no clear reason.. seems to be purely for fun or Something To Do. Frequency of tail raising is no indicator of sex either.

The males start the yelling at two years of age.
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Yes, thanks Kev I should have said yearling males. Young males colors are like hens. Males dont get the colors untill older.
Thanks for the replies. Unless I can get the little buggers to be still for a picture, I guess I am at the hands of Mother Nature as far as sexing them goes. They will come up next to me when I'm giving treats but they won't allow me to pick them up. I don't want to spook them so I guess we wait and see. Thanks all!

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