How to get rid of gapeworms?


10 Years
Sep 1, 2009
Big Clifty
I have already lost 3 chickens to resp. problems: coughing, sneezing, infected eyes, etc. I have given them everything I can think of. I've tried terramycin eye ointment, duramycin and sulmet in their water and tylan injections. This worked for most of the sick ones, but I have lost three so far. So, I thought I would try to worm them for gape worms (just incase). Does anyone know what kind of medication to use for this? Please help soon!
Are you sure it's gapeworm?The eye thing sounds like a parasite.Gapeworm can be treated with a good wormer,ivemectin is a good one.I had eye issues with my birds and I treated them with metronidazole,you can get it from your vet.They want you to bring the bird in so they can check it.I told my vet that I read up on it and pheasants are way to flighty to bring in and he just perscribed it.It is a generic form of flagyl if you have any of that around.
In N.H.,Tony.

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