Can you eat button quail eggs?


16 Years
Nov 12, 2007
Australia (New South Wales)
I've had Coturnix quail before and have eaten their eggs and recently I was given a dozen button quail eggs to incubate and am wondering what to do with them after they hatch. Do people eat their eggs or are they just an aviary bird ie people keep them as pets in aviaries in which case I'd be thinking about selling them to my local pet shop.

Their eggs are pretty small though... when compared to Coturnix quail eggs.

Yes, they are small and you can eat them. You can eat any birds eggs.
There is just not much there, so most people don't eat them

Buttons are aviary birds/pets for the most part.
Definitely. They taste pretty good too and I even had a friend make stuffed button quail omelets. Don't ask me how.... I've made scrambled button eggs and goat cheese. The downside is breaking all those eggs takes forever. Also steaming them makes quail eggs peel pretty easy and they make nice bite sized items on a relish tray for the holidays. Most of the time it isn't really worth the effort though unless you are quite bored that day.
How long after a button lays the egg before they are not good to eat. Like if the egg lays in the cage for a day or so are they still okay to eat, or should you get them in the refrigerator right away after they lay them for them to be good to eat?
You can eat both. You just get 1/2 more the DNA with a fertilized egg. Other than a very rare bacterial infection in bird eggs, all are safe to eat. Fertilized or not.
If your cages are indoors so long as the eggs aren't getting dirty and pooped on they could sit in there for a week and be good just like they can sit on your counter for weeks. You just want to avoid leaving them sit in high temps. They actually peel easier if you leave them sit out for awhile before you cook them and only need to put them in the fridge if you aren't using them soon.

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