Feed and Water inside or outside?

This is the only time I can remember disagreeing with you on something RR
. I keep my food inside the coop.
So the chickens eat when they first get up, but from the moment I open the coop door in the morning till dusk, the chickens don't re-enter the coop for anything; except to lay their eggs.

But you let yours roam outside where they eat green stuff and creepy crawlies all day. They don't eat your feed during the day. Mine are in a run so, other than the green stuff I give them, the only food they get is the food in the feeder. If it were only in the coop, they would spend a lot more time in there. And mine are certainly not housebroken. Results depend on your set-up. I asssumed the OP would keep them in a run during the day.
This is the only time I can remember disagreeing with you on something RR
. I keep my food inside the coop.
So the chickens eat when they first get up, but from the moment I open the coop door in the morning till dusk, the chickens don't re-enter the coop for anything; except to lay their eggs.

But you let yours roam outside where they eat green stuff and creepy crawlies all day. They don't eat your feed during the day. Mine are in a run so, other than the green stuff I give them, the only food they get is the food in the feeder. If it were only in the coop, they would spend a lot more time in there. And mine are certainly not housebroken. Results depend on your set-up. I asssumed the OP would keep them in a run during the day.

Good point! Yes mine are much more interested in getting out of the coop to see how many creepy crawlies they can scarf up than they are in hanging out around the coop. The early bird gets the worm or worms, as the case may be.
A portion of my run is covered. The feed is outside, on blocks. It gets taken into the shed in the evening when the coop gets locked. I used to keep a dish in the coop, but that didn't last long. It got spilled, daily.

I keep a large waterer hanging outside in the run, and a small one hanging inside the coop. I'd like to take the small one out, as it gets shavings in it, even though it's hanging. They're messy, kicky, scratchy critters! I've left it in though, because I know that they're up and about before they're turned out in the morning. If they're up and laying before they're turned out, I'd imagine that they're drinking. The feed I'm sure they can survive without until the door is opened.
i have only two hens i have water out in the covered run and food inside. trouble is i go out and feed them everyday in the morning and i want to be able to sleep in or kno w they are being feedif i go away fpr the weekend. so i want to put a feeder inside that i can fill with alot of food. my coop is small though and i dont have alot of room for a larger bucket any ideas???
I confined the chicks to the coop until they are fully feathered. Water and food is the coop.

Once they are fully feathered the chicken door is opened (and left open) to their secured run. Water and food is moved form the coop to the run.

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