How cold can eggs get??


In the Brooder
11 Years
Oct 18, 2008
Anza, CA
It's freezing here at night. I know the eggs can't freeze and we are checking for them several times a day, but how cold can fertile eggs get and still be viable?
I've hatched eggs that were outdoor temps when I found them, in the 30's, nearly frozen, not as high a percentage hatch when they've been that cold but some do. When they're my own eggs and I'm just looking for the next generation I don't much care about probability. I want what hatches from "free" eggs and don't worry about it. I've also hatched previously refridgerated eggs with numbers in the 50-60% range. I've hatched soaked, muddy abandoned eggs - though they needed a LOT of help out because their idiot mother hadn't turned them and they were stuck.

The BEST numbers come from eggs kept in the 55-70 degree range, that are very fresh and normal sized. I like playing with my oddball eggs because every last chick is something I was told couldn't happen or wasn't likely. And I'm like that. So I hatch whatever suits me and much of the time, it works anyway. Nature often finds a way - well outside what "should" work.
Thank you! I don't care if the percentage isn't high - but if it's completely pointless, that's different.

I'll go on gathering then, and see what happens.
Hi Rosewynd,
I'm in NH and we recently had a 3 day power outage, I had 11 Olive eggers, 2 Speckled Sussex & 1 dominique survive! I thought it was a miracle~
But the real reason I'm contacting you is that "RareRoo" sent me your name for Black Java eggs...I'm so interested in some. I have 2 white Javas & would really love to start a flock here in NH
Please let me know, I'll Pm you also

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