Lemonhead, the 18ft reticulated python

crocodile girl

In the Brooder
12 Years
Jan 5, 2008
Well, I love to talk about my reptiles, particularly my snakes. So I'm going to explain how I feed my 18ft reticulated python, I'm sure there's somebody out there who wonders how I feed my animals. In any case, I love talking about it, lol. I hope you guys don't mind more threads like this concerning my other reptiles (I'll take requests, lol) in the future...

His name is "lemonhead". He's a color morph called ambon yellowhead, to see what that morph looks like, see this link:


Well, anyways, lemonhead is the only snake I own that lives in an outdoor enclosure. He's simply too big for the house.

If I walk into the enclosure smelling like chickens (that's right, he eats chickens), he might mistake me for food. So, I built a little chute in the wall of the enclosure that is closed and locked when not in use.

Now, unfortunately, lemonhead is one of those few snakes that I never could convert to prekilled food. It's a shame, because dead prey can't harm the snake and also makes my life easier because I can freeze the prey for later, or for a pet-sitter when I take vacations. So..yeah it gets tricky.

So, the chickens are tossed in live. live, but stunned. I try to make it as humane for the prey as possible, being the softie that I am. I swing'em around inside a sack (to make them dizzy), give'em a good whack on the head, and push them through the chute. They're alive when he goes after them, but too "out of it" to know what hit them.

I keep many breeds of chicken, I like to order day-old chicks from Murray mcmurray hatchery and grow'em up. I like baby chicks, I like watching them grow. Of course, I allow the chickens to breed freely during their "stay", so that saves a lot of money. I still usually order about a hundred every spring. I like to eat them too, lol. I order the breed assortments from the hatchery, that way lemonhead gets a more varied menu. He's probably the most spoiled snake on my ranch.
these are so wonderful and so real and also whimsical.

i welcome any insight and stories into the lives of the animals on your ranch. nifty. if you are so inclined to my meanderings, check out the winter shelter thread under other animals as well. tales of ducks who love goats and the goats who betray them. of billygoats who smoke cigarettes thorugh the fence with the girl goats to try to attract them over the fence and into some action. and of course, borning normal stuff about winter shelters.
if you are so inclined to my meanderings, check out the winter shelter thread under other animals as well. tales of ducks who love goats and the goats who betray them. of billygoats who smoke cigarettes thorugh the fence with the girl goats to try to attract them over the fence and into some action. and of course, borning normal stuff about winter shelters.

Thanks picklespickles, I enjoyed reading your thread. I wish my dog would get along with my animals like your dog with the goat. My chickens abuse my dog, lol. And he can't do anything about it 'cause he knows he's not allowed to hurt chickens, but hawks are fair game. He just takes out his frustration on hawks...

My dog doesn't like my reptiles either... they scare him. Back when my iguana was still alive (I got the iguana from a rescue when she was 15, she died of old age at 20) she would steal his toys and all he could do was come to me and "tell" on the big mean lizard. If that didn't work he would whimper like a puppy.​

hey my chihuahuas don't mess with any of the animals. lol. they play indoors or in the front yard. so i gotcha. the red heeler is in with the billygoat as companion but also because she is a hard player. they can be really rough dogs and don't seriously feel pain as much. i guess from having to herd cows genetically you would want them to not feel as much pain. so her main playmates are the billygoat and pitbull next door. they can rip each other to shreds and all is good. my chihuhua used to tell on the duck for beating her up. ma, he PECKED me. lol.
Hey, I'm about to make another thread about lemonhead. big news!

hehe..your chihuahuas sound adorable.

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