Corid use- how much?


11 Years
Dec 8, 2008
Ripley TN
I lost several chicks last year to bloody poop. Have no idea how to spell the actual condition (coccidiosis?) but I treated it with corid. My question now is if anyone has ever used it for prevention befor their chicks got sick since it is so deadly once they get it? I have 4 chicks now and water them with a chick waterer that looks to be about the size of a quart jar. I am trying to find out how much corid should be added to that size container.
Corid isn't very hard on them IMO. Sulmet is however. Corid is what is in Chick starter only a higher dose. i have given it to them straight in the beak before, many times w/o problems. Yes you can use it if you have had problems. I typically give about a 1/2 - 1 teaspoon to a quart, or up to a tablespoon to a gallon.
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Ditto. Corid won't hurt them, but messing around with a cocci outbreak will kill them. Good luck with your little ones. The good news is they usually respond quickly and well to treatment.
Thanks for the answers. Next question is if i am only giving it as a preventitive(SP) since I had mass deaths last year, how often should I treat them or how many quarts worth? I only have 4 new chicks now(that are growing really fast and look really healthy) but expect many more soon with 2 bators full.
i too have one silkie that just started getting blood in her poop. I dont know what it is from. were do i get the treatment? from the grange?
We saw one slightly bloody dropping in our chick box today. The six chicks are 3-4 days old and were purchased at a local feed store, who got them from Ideal Poultry. I had to remove some poop from one of their vents, and am hoping that's why there was a bit of blood. I am going to consider getting the Corid to treat them if we see any more blood in there... Can chicks tolerate plain yogurt? Would that help?
Is there more than one type of Corid? I picked up a bottle at TSC a couple of weeks ago, and noticed it's for cattle. Is there one for poultry also, or is this the Corid that everyone uses?
Read the fine print on the package and it usually says which animals and the dosages. Unfortunately, the dosages are usually listed in mass quantities, so it's tricky to convert the amounts.
I had raised all mine with the medicated feed, turkeys, ducks, chicks, and guineas. All had thrived on it. They are just starting on layer feed, as the silkies have started laying. Three eggs this am, a record!

I noticed on top of a bag of hay a poo with wht looked like blood. Night before last, the bigger roos killed my smaller wyandotte nearly grown roo. They have been separated, so I don't know if it came from that altercation or not. I have a large coop and run and have 60+ chickens, so I don't know whose it is. Can I add corid to the waterfount for all of them? I've never dealt with this, but this is my first flock. Everything is going so well, juveniles in the separate room, two babies in the brooder in the house yet. The chicks in the small room have no access except my BR and RP turkey toms keep going in to stay with them. All are thriving. I do have a space under the nest boxes that some of the hens like to scrunch under and I usually chase them out into the sun. I did it this am just to check. No one looked different. I don't know what to do.

How should I treat for cocidiosis or shoudl I wait to see if I see blood again? They are all precious to me, I don't want them to suffer or lose them.

Sher Morrow 2 Bearded Collies, 60+ chickens, 10 guineas, 8 ducks, one goose and 4 steers, oh, and two cats. Whew!
Roscoe, Tx

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