Ameraucana chick....color guess anyone?


10 Years
Aug 31, 2009
Nor Cal
Posting a few pictures of our ameraucana chicks. Any guess as to what color they will be when they grow up?



Looks like one of my Ameraucana chicks. She is turning out very pretty. But, I have no clue how to tell what she will be. I'm curious to know too...
I got two EE's from Cackle Hatchery that look like turning into a soft gray. I am very happy with them.

I have really liked my pullets from Cackle, and they lay nice eggs.

I do have some Wheaten Ameracaunas who lay truly lovely deep blue eggs. They are, of course, Wheaten in color.

Chickmama, those are so beautiful! Thanks for sharing the pics. I bought my Ameraucanas from the Meyer Hatchery, and that's what they call them, Ameraucanas.

Soooo, even if they aren't true Ameraucanas and they're just EEs, WHO REALLY CARES! I love them anyway. In fact, I had a pair of true ameraucanas (black ones), and I like my EEs better!

Such beautiful birds!
Chickmom, you are a very good mommy! I would feel the same way. My three Americauna babies are so cute that I am being patient in their growing up as they do grow too fast. The biggest one, that I named Lilly, after my granddaughter, she is going to be a real beauty.

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