When can you start giving chicks vegetables, scratch etc??

I usually begin "scratch training" when they are around 7-8 weeks old, shake the jar, then sprinkle a tiny bit on the ground so they begin to associate the sound with goodies and later will come home from free ranging to that sound. I rarely give them anything except starter, eggs and yogurt until they are 8-10 weeks old. I never have any leftovers to give my flock--we eat those, no waste here. If they get anything else, I have to buy it for them. And I may buy a bunch of kale or dark green leaf lettuce on occasion for everyone, but mostly, they get the feed appropriate to their age.

That said, when they are raised by a broody, they eat all sorts of things out and about.
This is my first time with chicks after raising ducks. They are a week old now. I've given them lettuce leaves for a couple of days and they love it. They also have chick feed, too, of course, and plenty of fresh water. It's still too chilly to take them outside to play and scratch so I put feed on the floor of their box and marvel at how they already know to scratch around in it. And, I've checked their butts. Nothing pasty at all.
I normally have a momma hen raise them. The moms have them outdoors on day two and they eat everything mom does, grass, bugs, henbit, watermelon, kitchen scraps, you name it..... They are scratching and pecking at the dirt just like mom. I figure their mom knows best so I don't think it would hurt to give them new things if you want.
I stopped by the local bait shop nanny after mine were 10 days old and picked them up some nightcrawlers. Used scissors to cut the worms up in pieces tiny enough they could eat them. Those chicks went absolutely livid once they got one in their mouth. They would run and others would chase them, of course making all kinds of noise in the process. It was very cool to watch them enjoy that. I dig worms when able also.

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