Lily and Dash, almost grown!


12 Years
Mar 30, 2007
Belleville, Kansas
Well I know a few of you like Lily and Dash stories.

I took most of these yesterday. Well I dangled the camera strap in front of Dash, cuz she loves to go after anything. She is such a cutie. Well her compadre, Lily, was standing right next to her of course, but with her head facing the other way. Dash went to peck the camera strap and ended up getting Lily in the tail! I didnt get a pic cuz I had to intervene. Lily turned around, mad as all get out, and looked at lil Dash like "did you just PECK me, you little demon?" She was all ready to beat the heck of Dash.

Oh and I have been petting Lily every time she pecks me, and she has not had the intensity of drawing blood or anything, but it sure annoys her, but she is just pecking lightly now. She really DOES want to fight, so she is very upset with me right now. I decided to rock her today, she used to love being rocked, and it was hilarious. She was sooooo mad. She would almost relax and settle and you could see her enjoy it, then realize what she was doing and tense up and struggle, like a kid struggling against sleep. hehe I think I will have to do this more often. Boy that girl has a TEMPER.


Cyn, she really is a beautiful thing, I love to hear her charge about the house, she does the 100 yard dash. She probably gets more exercise in the house than she would outside! Our house is huge, and she charges from the bathroom to the kitchen, then turns round and does it again. Makes Dash crazy!



Yea, I do remember Fussy and Red didnt like people much about 3 to 4 weeks BEFORE they laid, then became soooo laid back. They were so loveable as chicks tho.
Lily still likes to peck, but she is gettin better and I am strongly discouraging her fighting instincts. She has always been rooish, her hackle feathers go up and she charges, etc. Its kinda cute, but she worries me cuz she is a backbiter.
Fussy and her had it out the other day, as far as a face off. Lily charged and started it, Fussy didnt back down, so Lily ran back a bit, Fussy thought it was all over and so Lily came running up and peck her rear and pulled Fussy's tail featrher so hard, she darned near pulled it out. Boy did I have a mad chicken.
Fussy can be a pain, but she fights face on, not backstabbing. lol Your lil Lily is a sneaky one.
Gosh it is so nice to see them growing into such beautiful birds. Thank you so much for the stories and updates. It always makes my day when I come home from work (yuck) and find a good chicken story with photos (Yay!)

Lily and Dash Therapy! I love it.

Watch your back around sneak-attack-Lily!

Hugs and best wishes to you and your family (chickens included)
Iheartchickens, lol

Tonite, my sis wasnt wearing socks. Lily decided that meant her feet were open season. Sis was eating an oatmeal cookie, so to get Lily to stop pecking her toes, she dropped some of the cookie.

Ok, Lily has a new love! OATMEAL COOKIES! My gosh, the poor thing went begging for an hour if she saw us eating one. That and she thinks ""peck toe, drop cookie" She is too fast a learner!


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