Help. How do I know if my chickens have lice or mites?

Nana, I found out the ingredients on the Poultry Spray. The poultry protector has potassium sorbate, water yeast and citric acid. Keep away from face and eyes. Can use on animals and in entire living areas. The lady said it was a good product but then she is selling it so I wouldn't expect her to say anything else. I still haven't seen any critters on my chickens but I'm thinking it must be lice/mites. Let me know how it goes with the sevin.

good luck and be safe. It sounds like you are really allergic.
I know I'm really late in commenting, but~ this video on how to get rid of lice/mites will probably help you lots! :)
If anybody's chickens have mites/lice or you think they have mites/lice, this video will help bunches
We had an infestation of lice several months ago, and we used pyrethrin spray (it was sold for use in dogs). We sprayed it on our gloved hands and worked it into their feathers near the vent and belly. We repeated this application 1 week later, and voila, all lice gone. The egg sacs took a long time to fall off, but we did not get another infestation. Pyrethrins are a "naturally" occuring pesticide and they are not specific so they will kill bees and other good bugs, but we limited the application to the chickens themselves and only twice, so I feel pretty good that we did little harm to the environment. We did not spray the coop - I cleaned it really well, washed as much as I could with soapy water, and then sprayed orange oil on the all the surfaces. We use DE liberally under the wood chips, and have not had any problems since. I am leery of using Sevin as it is a man-made pesticide, but I did not look into more than that. Good luck!
IS this the sevin dust 5% used in gardens? Cant really find one for chickens or live stock but i do see the DE but my birds have lice and i thought it might be for that.And can the lice be trnsfered from birds to humans,havent had any on the family but did notice them on the birds?
Potassium sorbate will not kill the mites, but it will prevent them from reproducing. Usually, one mite will emit sorbate, and others will come crawling. Once together, they do all of their little "mitey" things, like reproduce. If you spray your chicken with a product that contains sorbate, the mites will be 'confused' and most (probably not all) will not be able to find each other. Reproduction rates will drop, and the mite population will begin to dwindle. The mites have a 7 day lifespan, and sorbate will stay on a chicken for several days before wearing off. So, I would treat once, wait 5-7 days, then treat again. You may have to treat 3-4 times.
Someone told me (sorry didn't read all the replies yet) to take a couple samples of shaving in a zip lock bag and take to a glass door and you will see the mites rise to the top of the bag?
Just found a few mites on my 2 frizzle rooster after most of their beautiful tail feathers had been picked out... just a quick question... when we had 500 foot layer houses we used to have to go in at midnight in our underwear no less... and put out sulphur dust throughout the whole house. Well I still have 20 50# bags of this sulpher dust. Besides the horrible smell, will it definately get rid of the mites? I wanted to take these 2 rooster to the 4h fair but now their tail feathers are very sparse...
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I've read that sulfur works and I was getting ready to do this very thing. Will let you know.

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