Tips for Socializing Needed

Didn't have to do the roundup to get them in the coop tonight because they put themselves to bed!
well, you can always just go outside with them more and try to pick them up and love on them

thats what we do
and feed them. they'll love you forever if you feed them yummy things
Oh gosh, what is it with the RIR's? Our Rose (the RIR) is a piggy for any treat we give the chick's, she snatches it up ASAP! But she is VERY weary of us... I doubt we will ever be close unlike our EE or the BR girls who are all sweet and affectionate and trusting or simply curious enough to give me a chance. In fact just this am my BR girl lilly had stepped in poo and when I reached down to pick her up she just waited for it then sat patiently through her foot bath and was surprised to be put right back in the brooder box. I think she was expecting to have some out of the box time. But mommy was running late for work! Ugh!

I hate working, makes me miss being home where I could toodle around my house and garden and spend time with my kids. Some day... some day.
I've been wondering about this same thing...4 of the 5 of my chicks were easily handled from day 1 but as they get a little older, they become more and more resistant. Our Brown Leghorn is a maniac & runs around like my hand has giant teeth sticking out of it. My Buff Orpingtons are so sweet & are ok with being handled. Priscilla is the friendliest & will even sit on my shoulder. They definitely love the treats though...just wish I could convince some of the more skittish girls to come out & play...

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