Treating Blackhead with Cayenne need advice

Feathered Wings

11 Years
Oct 9, 2008
My Tom is about 3 months old and he has just shown the signs of Blackhead>Yellow poop, lethargic, looking cold and sleepy, He is still eating and drinking as of this afternoon.
I read a wonderful thread on here of treating Blackhead with Cayenne peppers and I could order medication but by the time it got here more than likely he would be dead.
My husband grows and dries cayennes so I have plenty on hand and I have already crushed about 10 and added them to 3 scoops of crumbles.
I also soaked some in hot water and put it in their gallon waterer about a half cup of pepper liquid to the gallon of water.

What is the appropriate dosage for adding to feed and water I don't have any idea and only went on what looked like enough?
The Tom ate some of the crumbles right away when I put them in the feeder and so did his 2 hens.
How long should I keep adding the pepper to the feed and water?

The person in the thread said their turkey was better after only 24 hours of using the pepper, I'm hoping the same for my Tom
Thanks Plain_view_farm Thats the thread I read yesterday and decided to use the Cayenne after reading it.

Alan yes I may indeed be breaking new ground, I knew if I got meds I would have to order them and that takes shipping time and I would be losing valuable time I could be treating him.
My husband loves Cayenne and he grows and dries them so I got out the blender dumped in 10 whole peppers and some crumbles and ground it together.
Then put some peepers in my grinder and grinded them and placed them in a glass of hot water.
I added a some more crumbles to the blended peppers and put it in their feeder and put about half a cup of the liquid peppers in their gallon waterer.

They ate the crumbles and drank the water yesterday evening and were up eating again when I went out this morning.
I'm hoping this works as if it cures him it may also prevent the 2 hens from contracting it.

Warning if you grind whole peppers let the dust settle before you open it
My sinus's are very clear now and my eyes finally stopped watering last night.
i don't think it cures black head, is a preventive more than anything. but i wouldn't count on it to work, dont put your birds life on Cayenne spices alone ., but surely doesn't hurt to give it..
you can also use copper sulfate as well, which is what i use on occasions (very wet times of the year) here..
i don't believe copper sulfate is a cure, but it may help, i have not found any documents proving it to be a cure or how effective the treatment is with it or if it truly works or not on birds that have blackhead all ready....this goes for the spices as well..

this is the key to it all....main thing is Make sure to worm your birds at least 2-3 times per season, use a wormer that will kill all worms..control of the Cecal worm is a must..

this one is an awesome read on black head, its in pdf format..

The protozoan parasite Histomonas meleagridis is transmitted most often in embryonated eggs of the cecal nematode Heterakis gallinarum , and sometimes directly by contact with infected birds. Outbreaks spread quickly through flocks by direct contact. A large percentage of chickens harbor this worm, and histomonads have been located in adult worms of both sexes. Three species of earthworms can harbor H gallinarum larvae containing H meleagridis , which are infective to both chickens and turkeys. H meleagridis survives for long periods within Heterakis eggs, which are resistant and may remain viable in the soil for years. Histomonads are released from Heterakis larvae in the ceca a few days after entry of the nematode and replicate rapidly in cecal tissues. The parasites migrate into the submucosa and muscularis mucosae and cause extensive and severe necrosis. Histomonads reach the liver either by the vascular system or via the peritoneal cavity, and rounded necrotic lesions quickly appear on the liver surface. Histomonads interact with other gut organisms, such as bacteria and coccidia, and depend on these for full virulence.
Traditionally, histomoniasis has been thought of as affecting turkeys, while doing little damage to chickens. However, outbreaks in chickens may cause high morbidity, moderate mortality, and extensive culling. Liver lesions tend to be less severe in chickens, but morbidity can be especially high in young layer or breeder pullets. Tissue responses to infection may resolve in 4 wk, but birds may be carriers for another 6 wk.

Histomoniasis, commonly called "Blackhead" is an infectious intestinal disease caused by the protozoa Histomonas meleagridis. Birds are most susceptible between 6 and 14 weeks of age. Symptoms are watery, sulfur-colored droppings, drowsiness, and weakness. The causative agent is shed in the feces of the infected birds and then contracted by susceptible birds as they feed from the floor and litter. Histomoniasis can be controlled by specific medication of a bird or flock at the onset of an outbreak or prevented with the use of a histomonastat, drug specific from Histomoniasis, in the feed. Presently there are no FDA approved Histomonastats. Currently, Metronidazole (Flagyl), copper sulfate, and Histostat are the medications used for the treatment of Blackhead.
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You can look in the fish dept of your local petstore or good fish store and see if they have a product called Fish Zole. It is for bacteria infections in fish, but the main ingredient (Metr....zole)sp treats Blackhead disease. I really think you need it soon. Keep up supportive care also. With the medicine for adult turkey at 250mg you give 1 pill 2X a day for 5 days. For a baby, I would think 1/4 pill or dissolve it in water and give a few MLs by syringe..
Feathered Wings are you sure he just doesn't haver cocci?? which would be my first assumption.. I'm assuming he is off med poult/chick starter at this age.. id try corid or sulmet betting its cocci

i see this post is a few days old..if he had blackhead or cocci id think he be just about expired by now, beings the 2 can kill rather quickly if untreated properly....
the damage can be irreversible with cocci as well if not treated quickly enough, as for blackhead Ive never experienced it here..thank goodness..
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