Post pictures of your coop with hardware cloth?

Willow's Meadow

9 Years
Apr 16, 2010
Can you guys post pictures of the hardware cloth and how you installed it--in your coop? I have a barn with a cement floor that I am going to put hardware cloth in so just in case a raccoon or some other animal got in they wouldn't be able to get through the hardware cloth to get the chickens. Should I use a staple gun, nails? The hardware cloth will section off part of the barn for the chickens. I'm not sure how to make it so they can't just slid under the hardware cloth. Maybe nail it to wood on the floor so they can't get through. The barn is pretty secure(but I'm really trying to be extra careful) I am going to make a "roof" out of hardware cloth as weel as "walls that are hardware cloth" which will all be inside the barn.

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not quite done yet, but have some of the cloth up. it actually wasn't has hard as i imagined. having two people helps a lot. i used "poultry nails" to attach it to the frame. they are like heavy duty u nails, pounded in with a hammer. i got them at Lowes.

I used Screws and washers to secure my Hardwire cloth, then buried it into the ground for added protection from digging animals. I also pinched the Hardwire Cloth between two panels of old Pallets. I did this because my Wire was not long enough to cover the entire wall, so I would overlap two pieces and then pinch it, with the wood and a few screws. This allowed the wire to be pulled tight and makes a great look to the run.


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