veggie garden


12 Years
Oct 28, 2007
Fernandina Beach Fl.
my 6 yr old daughter and I built this raised bed veggie garden over the weekend. It was built with 2x12x8 lumber. at first it was one large bed and the more and more I read about raised beds the more I figured it was a better idea to split it into two beds with a path in the middle. Plus it was taking copious amounts of soil to fill the bed. I put 4 large bags of potting soil plus 10 bags of compost into it and it still wasnt enough to fill the beds.



you cant tell in the pic but we used plastic poultry netting around the outside to keep the cats and rabbits out

I have a bunch of plants started in the house that really need to go into the bed because they have outgrown the pots i had started them in. Hopefully I'll get those in there tomorrow
oh yeh I got gabriellas little rake in the pic. As you can see my neighbors are too close for my liking but what can ya do...also behind the garden is our well pump, good thing because it has a faucet right there. Thats one of my next projects..get rid of that old busted pumphouse cover and make something nice like a tall, skinny version of my chicken coop with white trim like an old barn.

problem is I have at least 5 projects going on at once right now. and all of them are partially started, chicken coop, greenhouse, dog run area, 2 motorcycle builds and another 50 things I want to do if we actually had the money LOL
looks great I am thinking about starting some tomatoes up really soon like this week we are also ordering seeds. We have a large garden with 5 6X4 beds. We share the garden with two neighbor famlies. the chickens are mine though!

I have 4 really cool varities of tomatoes started right now, berkeley tye dye, bulls hearts, sausage and chocolate stripes
along with my cucumber, jalapeno, green peppers, romaine lettuce. I also have some green onion seed plus vidalia and red onion bulbs to start.

this will be my first attempt at a garden so we'll see how it goes then i'm working on starting the aquaponic garden in teh greenhouse
We will be growing:
Tomatoes (heritage, Cherry, pear, and beefstake), lemon Cucumbers( a great heritage veriaty), Rasberries, blueberries, strawberries, Lettuce, Eggplants, squash, zuchini, peppers ( hot& sweet), Carrots, Radishes, Peas, Beans, Nasturshiums, Kale, Chard, pumpkins, and sunflowers.
Gardening is great and I plan on really getting into it this year and intensivly weeding and fertilizing with my flock of hens. all of this is done organicly exept the hens they are raised Naturaly because organic feed costs a fortune. I am the founder of my schools sustainable living club so as you can tell I am really into this kinda stuff.

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