After mating, how long does it take for the eggs to lay?


9 Years
May 4, 2010
The question is in the title.
After a Rooster mates with a hen, how long does it take for them to lay eggs?

I don't know much about Chickens. I'm a first-timer.
Hens dont need a rooster to lay eggs. They will lay eggs when they are mature; some breeds will lay eggs around 5 months, other later maturing breeds take much longer. So it depends on the hen, not the rooster.
There is no correlation between the rooster mating and the hen laying eggs. The hen will lay eggs at 6 to 9 months give or take depending on breed, time of year nutrition etc etc. The rooster can and will mate with females long before they lay eggs, that too is quite variable based on the conditions noted above.

If the question is how soon after the rooster mates with a hen that is laying eggs will the eggs be fertile? That answer is that it can be as little as a few days. If the rooster has a larger number of hens to cover it is probably safe to assume that after two weeks the level of fertiltiy is well established.

I hope this answers your questions
A hen will lay eggs just fine without a rooster. Most all females shed eggs. The difference is, a male can fertilize the eggs - which means a fertilized egg has the potential to hatch a baby chick, if you incubate it successfully. A non-fertile egg won't be able to hatch anything. BTW, you can eat both types of eggs.
If you have actually seen them mate then you know the hen is fertile and is going to start laying soon, hens will not usually mate unless they are fertile and are going to start laying soon. I'd say maybe within a week after you've actually seen them mate, remember hens can store sperm inside them for about a week so dont be worried if you dont see them mate everyday. Also another thing to look for is that the hens face and comb will start to turn red or a dark pink that also show signs that she is fertile and will start laying soon. Also if she is constantly clucking that is another sign that she will start to lay.

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