How long do chickens live?


11 Years
Feb 25, 2008
Although I'm sure alot of you are shaking your head at this question, it is one that I haven't come across in my research. I'm VERY new to this website and love it. I have (10) day-olds coming in 3 weeks and I'm happy as an adoptive parent! Any insight would really be appreciated!
Yep, pet chickens can live up to 15 even 20 years if they make it though all the dangers in life.

They are "snacks" to a huge range of predators.

Often carry genetics that do not confer longivity, such as the propensity to have tumors and cancer or other health problems because parents were all bred young and no selection for longer life has taken place

Can be susceptible to sickness as they age.

However, with the right care and living in fort knox, they should easily get into their teens IF they do not come down with tumors or other health issues before then.

Welcome aboard and hope you enjoy your new babies!
What Tiki said is more or less true for production type birds. Good heritage breeds are consistent much longer, but tend to lay fewer eggs annually than their commercial counterparts in their early years.

Nothing unusual to find a ten year old heritage breed that is still an egg every second or third day bird.
this is so good to know! i would LOVE to have a chicken live to be 15 or 20 years old!!!
the eggs are incidental. it's the adorability that i think is fabulous.
my buff orpington Goldilocks is 17 this year and she still lays a very special egg every now and then.
She is starting to look haggard right now though so ill be giving her some extra special attention.
Have fun with your new chicks, ill bet you are excited.
Remember to post when you get your first precious EGG!
Oh my gosh. I always thought they lived 10-12 years.

It is going to cost a fortune to keep my 59 chickens in feed when they stop laying. I already have 14 that are five and a half years old, and 11 that are over four years old. No way I will eat them...

I will be running the Allen Wranch for geriatric chickens from my wheel chair...

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