Sick and tired of SNOW


12 Years
Sep 23, 2007
OK, winter has officially lasted as long as I can tolerate. We had 10 inches more of snow last night. I don't know where we are going to put it all. There is 2 inches of ice under the snow from the last "mixed precipitation" event, so we can't get a vehicle (tractor or truck) down the hill to the barn to get more hay in. I figure I have a month of hay before I really have to get desperate. My hay guy has 14 round bales waiting to be picked up , but we can't get them down to the barn.

I'm sick of digging out every morning. I spend all my time off work coping with snow and ice. I am tired. I want to live someplace warm. I need a vacation. Or something.

And, all this snow is showing us where we need to put in work this summer. Like putting a porch roof out our slider:
I hear you, valmom! We too have had a lot of snow and cold this year. It started early and I'm hoping it will end early. Although the weatherman is still predicting below normal temps and more white stuff!
Oh my gosh that is just way too much snow to deal with. I will stop complaining about the mud and rain now. You have us beat. I sure hope it clears up for you guys soon. Do you normally get this much snow?

On the plus side, I bet you are getting nice and buff from all the snow shoveling!
It's pouring the snow here today...started last night...DH went to our hunting camp over an hour away and I know he has to have atleast 12 to 15 inches of thing the kitchen cabinets are stocked with food and the refridge/freezer...Plus he has plenty of corded wood.......poor boy!!....I can't complain tho I love the snow...can take the cold better than the heat in summer....

And here I sit all day in BYC
or bundling up to walk down to talk with the hens closed up for the day...too windy and blowing to let them out for sure.... brrrr
We have a snowplow on the truck- otherwise we'd be bankrupt this winter (when we were plowed out it cost $60 per plowing per driveway- barn and house are separate drives, so $120 if he only had to plow once a storm, $240 if he had to plow halfway through the storm, then come back to finish). The biggest trouble is we don't have dirt to put on the ice for the long barn driveway hill and it is ice underneath. We are still trying to figure that one out. We may have to get a dump truck load of dirt dumped *somewhere* at the top of the driveway.

We are spending our day off digging out cars- my SO is a police officer and brings the cruiser home, so it has to get dug out for tomorrow. (Police cruisers really stink in the snow.)
I thought we had alot of snow, we have paths here and there that are packed down, and if you step off the path, you go to your waist. It is finally melting here, the ducks love it, the chickens hate it, everything is flooding. You have to look on the bright side, atleast the farmers wont complain about spring drought.
If you dump gravel--it owuld just be buried next snowfall--no? Do you have chains on your tires? I love snow, but never had animals when I lived up north, but I can fully appreciate your dilemma

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