Is a Black Australorp supposed to have some white feathering?

I have two BA's, Sophia and Chloe. Sophia is entirely all black but Chloe has white on the tips of her longest wing feathers. That's how I could easily tell them apart. They are just over two months old so I'm wondering if this will always be or if Chloe will grow out of it when she's older.
+What a coincindence haha. However your spell it. But I guess its just the breed. You can cut them out to keep them from coming back out. Good luck with yours
Yes from what I understand they will grow out. But i cut mine out and so hopefully it will make them stay gone. Good luck.
mine a lot of times will have white on the tips of the feathers but after a while those fall out and black ones replace them. Wait until after the first molt and you will be able to tell if they indeed have white in them or not.

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