Cinnamon Queen Chickens


9 Years
Jun 15, 2010
can any one tell me if they can reproduce. there seems to be some question as to wheather a sex link chicken can reproduce. if any one has an answer i would love to hear the answer.
A sex linked chicken like the cinnamon queen is a cross breed. You can't get a cinnamon queen by breeding them together. You will get a mutt. As to fertility? Yes of course they can reproduce.
there is someone will help you and know more than i. welcome to the form.
Any sex link can reproduce. It just will not reproduce chicks that are sex-linked.
ok thank you all for your info. if they reproduce will the egg production and size remain the same or do you know
depends on what you cross them with are you talking about using a cinnamon queen hen and rooster (also know as red star sex links) or are you going to use a different breed of rooster. As far as i know I think they will be a similar size and egg laying production should be about the same but every chicken is different.
yes cinnamon hen and rooster.. i like the breed and cant find any one here in florida that has even heard of them. but if the hens will set for me i plan on letting them hatch some eggs. i will not mix breeds, just keep the cinnamon queen hens with the roosters that come with them. if i were to mix any thing i would go back to the rooster used to get the queens
Yes they will mate and breed. and you do not get a mutt as some uninformed knot-head has posted. The only difference is that you will not be able to auto-sex the baby chicks when they hatch. You will have to sex your chicks another way. Auto-sexing is when you can sex the chicks as soon as they hatch (by color of feathers, a spot on the head, or color of legs, etc). This trait can only be done on the first generation of Cinnamon Queens, It is therefore referred to as not true breeding, meaning the second generation will still be cinnamon queens, but not auto sexing (meaning you cannot tell the sex of the chicks when they hatch; by color of feathers, legs etc.) First generation Cinnamon Queens can be auto-sexed at hatching in the following manner, Cockerels are white, the reddish chicks are pullets.

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