How to tell Austrolorp/Barred Rock/Jersey Giant


Granite State Chook
10 Years
Jan 30, 2009
Prescott, AZ
Talked to MPC. They did have to short me 2 chicks (Easter Egger and Buff Orp.) but he said I might not have gotten my Austrolorp either. Is there any definitive way to tell the Austrolorp from the Barred Rock or the Jersey Giant to see which ones I recieved? Thanks.
What I did when I got my chicks was printed a pic of each breed and posted them over the brooder. Can't really say how to tell the difference any other way. Seems to me the feathers of the chicks come in quick and BR will have some barring, Blk Aussies won't. Would the JG be bigger than the other chicks.

I suggest you look to CL for BO's.
Barred Rocks have a white spot on back of their heads. Jersey Giants and Austrolorps have different colored feet, one being white and the other yellow. Let me do a search real quick and see which is which.

It would be the bottoms of the feet that would have color, the legs should be black on both.

ETA: Austrolorps have white feet, JG have yellow
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Barred baby chicks have a white spot on their head and they will have yellow legs/ feet. Australorps have white or buff coloring on their faces (like racoon eye) and their feet start out light with a little grey and then turn black as they age. It looked from the picture on MPC that the giants also had buff faces but they did not have the racoon eyeliner eyes of the Australorp. I got mine from McMurray and I asked them to mark each breed for me so I could tell them apart, so maybe MPC would do the same.
Thanks for the pics. I think I can tell my Barred Rock now. I don't know the difference between the Austrolorp and the Giant still.
here is what an Australorp looks like i have four now...

they have a yellow to a light yellow coloring and white wing tips..
here are two of my new ones and the top one is Peachy my aussie hen here is what she looks like now
[/img] shes starting to get her green coloring now
THANK YOU so much for these pictures! The breed pictures I was finding were not so detailed. I do believe that I got all three in my all female assortment from MPC!

I had just told my husband this week that I was sure whatever the "penguin chicks" were, they were going to be HUGE! I base that assumption on the size of the feet and the difference in body mass between them and the ones that I'm pretty sure are RIR. The penguin chicks are going to be JG or Australorp. The "white helmeted high-flyers" (husband came up with the nickname) are either Dominique or Barred Rock.

Than you all! (Once I figure out how to upload pictures with my iPhone, I can start my own guessing game, lol.)

(Edited because my keyboard makes me look like I can't spell. Irritating thing!
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yeah not a problem i love my australorps. when they get bigger they have like a green sheen to their feathers almost like a emerald coloring. Peachy my aussie shes already three months old and half her size so shes going to be a big girl. they lay either brown or green eggs my friends lay green eggs lol, another friend had some hatch a month ago and he got a Lavender Australorp really pretty...

Peachy is laid back and so are the other three ones that i have. Good behavior

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