Does chicken lice look like fleas


10 Years
Jul 1, 2009
new Hampshire
One of my new chickens has what looks like fleas I thought that it was lice? These run around mostly on chest and by head. I have treated him several times and changed all coop bedding even though he is still seperated thank god from my flock.
I've had a problem with what I was told was lice. I dust them with a garden dust called Ortho garden dust. It has parenthesize, sulfur and copper sulfurate (sp) so far the one girl that has the nits is still separated from the flock. One week in I dusted all the chickens, even though no other chicken had bugs or nits. I talked to a guy in the Auburn University Veterinary Clinic, I also made a dust bath for the coop. Still no other signs of bugs........ We thew away over a week of eggs. Anybody with experience with this please speak up for both of us! It's so sad to see this on our beloved chickens.
I have read everything on the net about this and the internet!
Lice usually have an elongated body. If they are small and look like fleas then change are it's mites. Try Googling chicke lice for pictures. Lice also like to lay their eggs near the vent. Be sure to look good down there.

There are different ways to treat them. I personally prefer liquid permithren diluted (heavily) in water. Kills them quick. Sevin dust also works well.
that site is good. the pic is exactly what my hen has, now that I have killed the lice the nits are still there, over 2 weeks now. Do I have to wait till she molts to get her back on track?? she is laying eggs now too! We put a X on them to separate them from the others. Thanks for the site!
I believe you need to retreat in 10-14 days to get the newly hatched ones. And the coop/roosts etc need to be treated. I have read here that the eggs are extremely difficult to remove. Hopefully someone here with experience with lice will chime in and help.


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