Feed Storage Containers


10 Years
Apr 22, 2009
Port Washington, WI
So for everyone that raises their chickens far from a building what do you use for storing your food close to the birds. I now have 12 tractors with 63 birds in each tractor. Walking back and fourth with 5 gallon pails is getting really old. I need to find something that can hold at least a ton of feed as I would spilt the container and keep my hens feed that range around the tractor in these as well. Also, needs to be predator proof.

Any recommendations?
They won't hold a ton, but food grade 55 gallon drums (steel or plastic) are pretty cheap.
We use large rubbermaid containers and I have used large trash cans too, so I do not have to haul 5 gallon buckets either.
We place a container next to each tractor and it will hold 2-3 days worth of feed.
I use a galvanized can with a lid near the tractor. When its empty its light and it will hold almost 100lbs of food.
How about a little trailer for behind the lawn mower, 4 wheeler, or a tractor, assuming you have one of these. You could put your feed and a container for water on the trailer and pull it to where your birds are. May not be feasable, but an idea.
Thanks for all the feed back. I like all of the ideas. I really like the tractor/trailer. But this pasture is 20 minutes from my home on some farm land that is owed by a single older lady. When her husband died 6 years ago they got rid of all of their beef cattle. So I am using their pasture that is close to the barn and it is about 1.5 acres. Then the rest of her property his a tree farm now. After yesterday when I got there I lost 3 birds. Instantly knew it was a coon. One head missing and severe gouges out of the other two. So know I have figure out how to get them because I am not quite ready to get my eletric netting over there yet. I still have 100 birds at my home that will be ready to process in 2 weeks. Then my netting will go up.

I will definitely look into the metal trash cans to hold feed. Never thought about that.

You better put a strap from handle to handle over the lid or the raccoons will open the top and get into the fresh feed. Someone I know used bungee cords to hold the lid down. The raccoons just pulled the lid up and got in there anyway. They are both clever and strong. I would suggest a wide webbing strap that has no stretch in it.

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