Sick Baby Chick...Please Help (PICS)


9 Years
Jun 22, 2010
Hialeah, FL
My Silver Cuckoo Maran is only 6 days old and she's on medicated feed and I've been noticing since yesterday that she was watery light brown poop and today she looks like this and she's not eating much just drinking water and when I touch her vent there something white sticking out...Please help
I dont want her to die

I found her like this and I cleaned her



Was it just poop??? In your first shot it almost looks like a worm??? Could you tell when you cleaned her off? If that's her vent area that red and swollen, you can try dabbing a little Preperation H on it to reduce swelling. Also, either section her off an area in the brooder or just keep an eye on things to make sure the other chicks don't peck at that area. And watch that she continues to drink water. You can offer bits of scrambled egg if she's not eating well. Keep her vent area clean and treat it for a few days. If that WAS a worm, let us know...
thanks for your reply, it was poop in the first picture and what I see coming out of her vent is something white and it looks like she can't poop there anything else I can do
Well..often times chicken poop has a white section to it, or are you saying the white stuff doesn't look anything like poop??? When is the last time the chick ate or pooped? As long as she is able to poop, even if it looks weird, it's a good sign. Now, if she goes hours and doesn't poop, then that's not good. I've read that a little sugar in the water can help get poops going.
That's another good reason to isolate. It makes it a lot easier to know whether food is going in and whether poop is coming out (because it's hard to monitor when other chicks are running around).
the white thing looks like poop and it looks like she can't pass it and I assume it's the reason why she's swollen there. I will isolate her and see if she eats but can I do anything else to her poop whatever she has stuck there
Try some olive oil on a qtip and really coat the vent. That's what I always do and it helps pasty vent from coming back. Make sure she is eating and drinking on her own too.
One more thing to warm (like baby bath) water in the sink or a wash tub and cradle the chick in the water for a 5 minute soak (make sure her rear end area is under the warm water). Even my big chickens find a soak relaxing once they're in and soothed. This is advised when grown hens become eggbound, as it's supposed to relax the bird enough for an egg to pass easier. You would need to dry her well (possibly blow dry too) and make sure there's a lamp for warmth afterwards. Watch for if she's able to poop....
What kind of bedding do you have then on?

I had mine on newspaper covered with pine shaving and they started eating the newspaper. The one little one got constipated as a result and her little vent prolapsed like yours. The swelling makes it hard for them to poop, so put Prep H on about three times a day with a Q tip and add a little vaseline to lube.

I seperated mine with some wire mesh as her friend was pecking her. She was fine in a cuople of days.

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