Chick with badly twisted leg...suggestions? PICS AND VIDEO

carolina chicky

10 Years
Apr 1, 2009
South Carolina
I have a 6 week old baby chick with a badly twisted leg. She can run around pretty good but the leg looks bad. The whole leg looks twisted from the very top (where it connects to her body) all the way down. When she was 3 days old she was holding it up under her and I thought it was injured. A week or so later she began walking normally on it but now this is what it looks like. What I was wondering is if anyone could give me any suggestions on how or if to brace it and if I can do it myself. I don't want to cull her but I want to help her. She doesn't seem to be in pain but the way she walk is horrible to watch. Here are some pics of how she holds it...


And here is a video of her walking on it...

(thats my husband in the background, lol)
Not the best quality, I know but just trying to get the idea across.
Please help if you can!!
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To me it looks like it hurts but she doesnt seem to even notice. She runs and everything (as best as she can) but has a bad limp. The leg was normal for a while and then it suddenly started turning. I have no clue how to brace it. I have tried just about everything I can think of.
That leg is dislocated at the hip. and maybe at the knee as well. As a prey animal they tend to not show injury or pain as we would. This needs to be reset or the bones will fuse. It is painful, don't fool yourself into thinking it isn't just because she is moving around and now crying in pain.
Oh dear...that is definitely painful and I completely agree with the advice given above...get her checked out by the vet or put her down, maybe both... poor baby.
Can I reset the hip myself or should this be done by a vet? I don't want to lose her but I can stand to watch her like this. I am constantly doing things to try and correct it but I am afraid to do anything major and mess it up worse. I can seem to find a way to brace it.
I think that if anyone other than a Vet tried to move or reset that poor twisted little leg, the baby would be in excruciating pain....and more than likely go into shock and die. Please don't try that yourself :-(
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Well my friend had a blue cochin who has a leg like this and she is beautiful except her leg never touches the ground. She is now over a year and doing great:) Good Luck

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