having chiggers and remaining sane...


pays attention sporadically
10 Years
May 22, 2009
North Central Florida
..is is possible? I have about two hundred, just on knees and below.
...stupid hiking...stupid hiker (me) forgot the sulfur...I think I have used a tube of cortaid already. Other than skin grafts what do I do?

Help? What do you all do?
a super hot (almost scalding) bath (don't sit in it , just ur knees) with lots of epsum salt mixed in. That should help with the itching as well as maybe kill the little buggers.
Barring that a real thick layer of vaseline to smother them.
My old farmer neighbor swears by Windex. I tried it and it seemed to help. I think it is the ammonia that actually does the trick.

I strongly considered amputation myownself.
I think I am going to go scald them off of me now. I counted 45 welts just on one knee. I guess I knelt in a patch of hatching mites.
Then, maybe a couple classes of wine. Taken internally.

I have ammonia. I'll gas them, then scald them..then smother them, and THEN intoxicate them. Yea, that's my plan.
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I have heard wash the area in a solution of bleach and water, but you use that when you first get them. After they have dug in and got you itching like fire, you could try Chigger X, or Absorbine Jr (it has menthol and is very cooling, I also use this on poison Ivy). I have heard Chigger X is good on poison ivy too. Wear long socks and/or pants to not make the area not so accessible to scratching. I am soooo sorry, because I know just how you feel. Chiggers LOVE me! They find me out of a crowd of thousands and attack only me! I hate them!! Death to chiggers! They are evil! (Ok, slap self to regain sanity.)
Oy, you lucky person you. to not be aware of the evil mite baby.
It is the larval stage of scrub mites. They spit into you and causes your own cells to form some sort of
tube...a straw, so they can eat for a couple days. then they drop off and leave you for MONTHS-YEARS-actually 2-3 weeks with an itch that...makes a grown woman cry.

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