does Kerosene go bad?


Flock Mistress
10 Years
Apr 14, 2009
Benton (Saline County) AR
Does an unopened 5gal can (metal can like you get at TSC) go bad, like gasoline does?
We've had a can since we moved in for 3 years, because we are all electric, and a nice kerosene heater, and a metal can of 5gal kerosene. We haven't needed it, so it's unopened.
Should I maybe sell it and buy a fresh can occasionally??
Should I maybe sell it and buy a fresh can occasionally??

I'd use it and not worry about it.
Or if you anticipate using more than that this Winter, you could mix it with some fresh fuel.​
I'd use it and not worry about it.
Or if you anticipate using more than that this Winter, you could mix it with some fresh fuel.

That's probably what I'll do.
My dad told me that Coleman fuel would slowly degrade after opened, so I figure it's all kinda the same. He said it would still burn, but burn "dirty" and make you have to replace the burners (in a camp stove) faster. I really hadn't thought much about that kerosene the past couple of years, but for some reason I got to thinking about it and it probably needs rotating since it's been a while. Since I have a job this year I guess it's time to buy a new can and use up the old.
We've not had any power outages that lasted more than a few hours since we moved in, but ya never know when we'll get another ice storm. I lived at my parent's house back then (1999 I think it was) with a woodstove, so it was not a big deal when we were without electricity for 13 days straight ---- but in this house? I'd freeze my tailfeathers off!!!!!!!

I'm not even sure that 5gal of fuel will last for 2 whole weeks, but it would probably last long enough for these city roads to de-ice somewhat. My parents live in the sticks at the top of a big hill, so they are homebound longer than most when it freezes up. I also got us a king sized wool blanket, since I use an electric blanket a lot during the winter to save the cost of heating the whole house -- I knew I'd need something good and warm if I didn't have my power-heated blankie. hehe

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