egg weight


Free Ranging
13 Years
Oct 8, 2010
I just got a kitchen scales so I could weigh my chickens eggs:D most are 2.20 oz the largest one is 2.50! does that equate to XL? anyone know?
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Found it!

"Size represents the minimum net weight per dozen. In descending order, egg sizes are Jumbo (30 ounces per dozen), Extra Large (27 ounces), Large (24 ounces), Medium (21 ounces), Small (18 ounces) and Peewee (15 ounces). Medium, Large and Extra Large are the sizes most commonly available because these are the sizes hens most often lay."

pips&peeps :

divide by twelve gives you individual egg weights

Average individual egg weights. There's going to be variation up and down, even though they want them to all be close.​
pips&peeps :

2.5 oz and up - Jumbo
2.25 - 2.4 - XL
2.00 - 2.24 - L
1.75 - 1.99 - M
1.5 - 1.74 - S
1.25 - 1.49 - PeeWee

PER USDA Standards


WOW! Maureen laid a 2.6 oz egg this morning...largest so far...she laid a 2.4 oz last week, usually they are 2.2. I had the monitor on and didn't hear a peep out of her when she did it...I think I would have been screaming then Celebration Song for at least an hour!!
That is really interesting. Thanks for sharing.

I decided to weigh the 10 eggs I happened to have on hand. They came from 4 different birds. They all weighed either 1 5/8 oz or 1 3/4 oz, with the exception of my SLW's egg. But, it was her very first egg ever. It was 1 3/8 oz. That's amazing to me that they were so consistent in size.
We got our 10,(20 wk old) girls from the hatchery Sept 12- within 3 weeks we started getting eggs-We now get 10 eggs a day faithfully. We've gotten several jumbo size eggs that were double yolkers or had really huge yolks.

Today we got a HUGE egg, larger even than our largest Jumbo- we named it Torpedo. Due to the size we decided to do a size/weight comparison of the eggs we're getting. The majority of the eggs we get daily fall into the medium/large/Xlarge category. The 3 eggs on the right, the XL Jumbo and Torpedo were all double yolkers. :) (Somebody out there has a sore hiney I'm thinkin')

I sized them according to what felt right from my many years of store bought eggs. This is in no way official- just my own sizing chart :)



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