How many hens for one rooster?


9 Years
Oct 13, 2010
Franklin, NC
I got a rooster today to help protect my girls because I am down to 3. My question is how many more hens should I get. Could I get away with 3 more? I have 8 pullets that are 3 months old and the 3 hens. I am wanting to hatch some out in the spring so I don't want to get to many more over the winter. I would love to hear your honest opinion.

Yeah some good roosters can have a bunch, as a hen can have fertile eggs for up to 3 wks on one mounting. so yeah get a bunch more and they will all be fine. although he will have his favorites hehehehe.

1 - 10 is general rule... However, I have one rooster per hen in mating pairs with no problems? I say depends on the individual (well there is the trio I have together.. But still same principle).

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Thanks I am going to look around. No one has hens around here or roosters I drove 1h:30m for him. I will have to post pics

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The no of hens for 1 rooster depends on how active the bird is
Some breeds need more hens (like 15), for others 3 is enough
If you are breeding and want a good fertilily rate, your ratio should be 5 hens to 1 roo. If you want a good mix for your yard, go to 15 hens to 1 roo. Even at this rate, you will have plenty of fertile eggs to hatch.
I am going to try and start off with 3 more hens for now because in the spring I am going to have 15. Which should be enough?


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