turned cat litter box into nest box


9 Years
Feb 25, 2010
Leesburg, Ohio
well, yesterday i turned one of those big, deep cat litter boxes with a lid into a nest box for my girls. i set it up on a shelf-like-thing in their coop. i put a couple bricks in the bottom though, cuz i wanted it to be heavier so it wouldn't fall, don't know if i needed to do that, but i did. the 2 that are laying now LOVED it!!! i wish i had thought of this before i ordered a double X-large nest box from MPC. oh well, i'm sure i'll be happy with that too....but i could've saved some money. i don't even need the ordered nest box yet....but one day i will! i'm getting more chicks this spring...can't wait!
I was thinking of getting one of those. Right now I use milk crates with straw,and a wicker laundry basket.
My plastic bin is screwed to the wood nest box it sits on. The litter box (from a past cat who wouldn't use it) is weighed down with 2 bricks as it's on the floor.
I have a covered litter box in my grow-out pen for shelter for the youngsters. Now that they are getting bigger and I have let them out with the flock, I am getting two eggs a day in it. I caught my buff Brahma hen laying in it, but don't know yet who the other one is. I have also been checking Craigslist for dog houses to put around for added shelter and/or laying.
Cat boxes are ideal. I`ve always liked and used single nest boxes. I find that, in the event of a broody, just pick up the whole box, broody and all, and move her to a private pen for the remainder of her duties. No hassels with eggs being added, no danger to the chicks, or unwanted attention from the rooster. I use plywood nest boxes, but the cat box is ideally the same. You`ll like it...........Pop
I use wine crates. About the same size as a litter box I guess.

Filled with pine shavings, they prefer the wine crates over the nesting
boxes I had custom built!
All of my nestboxes are extra large, covered litter boxes. I do have a wire dog crate covered in opaque plastic in the juvenile coop for the meaties to use as a nestbox. Even the largest litter box is not big enough for them girls.
should i use pine shavings or hay? i've been using hay, but i wonder if they would love the pine shavings? BTW, isn't it cute when a hen is getting ready to lay, and she situates herself a billion times and also takes bits of hay and picks them up with her beak and puts them to her side or behind her? i just think they're so cute!!!

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