Time it takes to lay an egg


9 Years
Nov 4, 2010
Does anyone know how long it takes for a hen to lay an egg? I have two chickens who are laying now and I am trying to figure out who is doing the laying. I constantly look out the window to see who is in the nest and I never can catch one in there. Do they just run in and lay in really fast? Just curious.
Some breeds, usually production breeds like barred rocks and rhode island reds are in/out and all buisness. I have a friend who's barred rock lays the egg and comes straight out, my Wyandotte and my friends easter eggers sit on their eggs for a while after laying.
Thank you so much! That might explain it. I have 5 hens and only one lays white eggs (and she hasn't started laying yet) so I guess I just have to catch them in the act. I appreciate your help.
It's really different with every hen. Some are quick and some like to go in early sit a while lay and sit some more. Some go in right before they lay and get out quick. Keep watching you'll catch her!
Thanks. If it wasn't so cold out I would happily sit and watch them for hours like I did earlier in the year. I'll figure it out someday:) Thanks so much for your reply.
One thing that may help you catch her is that lots of times they'll lay at the same approximate time each day. So if you check the coop several times daily to see when the egg is there you can narrow down the time frame during which you should be monitoring who is in the nest.
I think everyone is different. I have a Rhode Island Red I call my "Diva" chicken. She is soooo dramatic about everything. If other chickens come in the coop while she is laying (even though I put up privacy curtains) she screeches.. when I peak my head in she is always trying to make the nest better. She sometimes sits in there making the nest "better" for like an hour before laying the egg. What a drama queen. The others are usually in and out but can sometimes be in for up to forty minutes. Mine are 8 months old.

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