Where my mom grew up a last name of a family was whitehead, I never had the nerve to ask if they where very pimply. also another family had the last name of pancake. I often wonder if they where cannibals at the breakfast table. there was a guy arrested in my home town with the last name outlaw, a girl was arrested and her first name was fellony one letter different than the criminal charge. also another last name in my hometown was bottoms.
I kid you not, I worked in a distribution warehouse and was quality control so I got the updated list of names of new "selectors". Came in one day and checked the list and we had a new guy named Justin Case. I thought for sure someone was pulling my leg...nope. So if he had any mispicks and I needed to call him to the door on the intercom it came out, "Justin Case you have mispics at door 12!! "lol He was a good kid though, mean parents.

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