Can I feed the pulp from the juicer?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Feb 16, 2011
Winter Haven, FL
I'm not planning on trying this until my chicks are 8 weeks old. We JUICE here! (No I'm not going to be one of THOSE Juice People) Carrots, apples, celery for the most part. But I always feel like such a wastrel when throwing away all that pulp that the juicer has ground up. Can I eventually feed that to my chickens? It's ground very tiny almost to a flour consistency when done, and I was thinking I might use it eventually as a mash for mornings perhaps?

I just feel so guilty throwing out about a gallon of pulp in the garbage twice a week.

I thank God for BYC. I raised chickens a long time ago when I lived in Michigan. However I now live in Central Florida and it's a different animal here doing anything. So I feel blessed to have found all of this knowledge here with all you lovely people.
I've been juicing for YEARS! yes, I always give the pulp to my chickens. Unless I am doing zuchinni or carrots, then that goes into muffins or bread. If that gets stale.. They get that too.
I KNOW! Isn't it great? You wouldn't believe how much better you feel when you start doing it even a few times a week! Truth be told, the leftover pulp I kept throwing away was the impetus to get the chickens. My Grandaughter said, " Maybe we wouldn't have to throw all that out if we had a Potbelly Pig". I choose chickens. I think she was hoping to split the difference and is waiting for a Rabbit.
Oh my they are just today 2 days old! They are doing great, eating, drinking, pooping and tearing after each other. I'm an organization freak though, so I was planning ahead when I asked, now I'll start freezing it for them instead of pitching it. (6 BOs)
Thank you Bellevue. I had read the NO CITRUS rule, but it's good to be reminded. I don't really use the Juicer for Citrus because you have to peel the citrus first so the peel doesn't make the juice too tart. (Unless it's Kumquats in that case you WANT the peel that's what's sweet) Living 10 miles from the Florida Natural Plant though, I just but a carton of We really like the Carrot juice, although we get strange looks in the Grocery when we have a 25# bag of organic carrots in the cart, but mostly veggie and apple. I looked at a lot of juicers Jcbydesign, and decided on the Jack Lalane <sp> black model. They have a white as well, but some reviews I read said the plastic does have a tendency to become stained from the juice. I soon found out they were right even in the black model. I never realized how much carrot juice can stain, and beet juice? UGH! but it does taste good. I just wash the veggies and they rip right through it. Small apples can be put in whole. When you get one try some carrot juice with some whole fresh ginger ground as well. It's fantastic! No fresh ginger for the chickens though, don't want them making their own gingerbread before Christmas

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