Is a Permit/Licence/Testing/etc... Required to Sell Dressed Quail ?

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the state of Georgia says ALL quail sold to the public for whatever purpose requires a commercial quail license for $30 a yr commencing Apr 1st of each yr.
I've been doing a lot of research lately and I am still chasing my tail in circles. I do know that Nationally Quail are labeled a Non-Amenable species and therefore fall under FDA regulations, not USDA regulations. Also, Quail do not fall under the Poultry Product Inspection Act. Currently, I'm suck in a back and forth with the CDFA on wither or not my eggs can be sold at farmers markets. I have under 3,000 layers so I shouldn't even be on the radar, but Los Angeles County is... interesting... might have to market in Kern County instead. If anyone else has sold quail products in California, I would love to have a mentor, I'm a great cook... ::sigh:: Strangely enough all of the quail eggs in our market come from a local Indian Reservation, I've been trying to contact them (not that they would want to help out potential competition), but have been unsuccessful.
In California, all meat meant for human consumption, to be sold to the public, must be processed by a USDA licensed facility. However, for sales at the farm, as someone mentioned, it is possible to sell live birds out back and then in the front, offer to dress out the birds for a fee.

Egg sales, from small backyard farms, for human consumption is regulated by local county authority and requirements vary. In my county, nutritional facts, use by date, collection date and a keep refrigerated label are all required on the package. There are limits to the amount of eggs you can sell per year to be considered to be a small farm.

Coturnix Quail are not considered game birds that live in the wild and most states do not require a game bird breeders license to keep them in captivity. In California, game birds, that are naturally present in the wild, require a license/permit from the Department of Fish and Wildlife to be kept in captivity.

In my experience, it is best to start with local government and work out from there when you are searching for information. Your experience may be different and results vary from state to state.

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