Where to buy started pullets?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 19, 2011
Is there a company online that will sell started pullets and mail them? I'm looking for 8-10+ week old pullets.
Most of the hatchery's sell them but the shipping is really expensive. Call around your local feed stores and ask them who sells them. Here in Ct the Agway stores sells started pullets but not all of them.
Place and ad here on BYC in our Want to Buy section.
We found ours on craigs list. We picked them up this afternoon and have them spending the first night in the coop tonight- wayyyy exciting!
We even had our first egg today! Ours are about 18 weeks old.
I've searched craigslist, waiting for a response from a few people.

You picked up your hens today and they already laid? LOL
In Georgia our State Department of Agriculture puts out a weekly Farmer's and Consumers Market Bulletin where people sell anything and everything farm related - including chickens of all ages - see if your state puts out a similar publication and check there.

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