Flying/jumping at each other?

Wow, a google search brought me to this thread. I was wondering what as going on, but I had a sneaking suspicion it had something to do with pecking order establishment. Mine are 2 weeks 3 days old. It seems like as soon as they started to try flying, that was when this started. They also stretch their necks a lot. What does the neck stretching mean? Whoever looks taller gets to be the head hen?
Wow, a google search brought me to this thread. I was wondering what as going on, but I had a sneaking suspicion it had something to do with pecking order establishment. Mine are 2 weeks 3 days old. It seems like as soon as they started to try flying, that was when this started. They also stretch their necks a lot. What does the neck stretching mean? Whoever looks taller gets to be the head hen?
Not sure, I see it as playing :rolleyes:
The pecking order is usually reestablished every few years or so, but it's cute to watch them when they're little!
we have 2 week old meat chickens. they also chest bump and run after each other. I just keep an eye on them to make sure no one gets hurt. I know we only have them a short while but they seem to act like laying chickens too!!! and of course grow much faster

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