How long to keep eggs before putting in the incubator?


8 Years
Jul 26, 2011
Upstate NY
I am only getting 1 egg a day from my many days can I save them? Last batch i was getting 2 eggs, I put them in the turner on the floor, about 75-80 in the house, probably cooler on the floor though. Would the cellar be better, much cooler, but also damp. Last batch is in the incubator now, so I don't know what the outcome will be. I had last batch on the floor for 7 days.
Most people says 10 days

some hens will lay 15 or 20 eggs before they set on them

If you have an automatic egg turner

pu eggs on it,
safe them in a dark cool area and collect as many as you can in 2 weeks

than set them in tha bator
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Thanks, I heard 7 days max, but was hoping to keep them a little cellar might be about 65 degrees. I will try the next batch down there.
You can keep eggs for as long as you need to just know that the percent that will hatch decreases; after 7 days, after 10 days; both are used regularly as these both have reasonably high hatching rates. after 14 it's downhill fast.

Temeprature--50-65 is the best and high humidity is great for stored eggs as they should not be dried out; 70 RH is recommended. If long term storage, over 10 days, the colder temp of 45 degrees is needed to keep up the hatching rate.

Found this all in a book about successful hatching.
Very good information!! I needed to know that. I was having a hard time trying to figure out if my hen layed 10 eggs over a course of 10-15 days, how the heck were they suppose to go in "lock down" together and hatch together. Wow, what a learning curve!!

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