fool proof / waste free feeders?


8 Years
Jul 24, 2011
Vista, CA
In my dreams, I envision a feeder where no food is flung all over the place and wasted...but I never get to the end of the dream to see what it really really looks like.

I thinking it's a walk in diner type thing where the walls keep the food from flinging???

Any ideas? These guys are in a run on the ground. I try to scoop the food and put it in the bowl but it's immediately kicked or bathed out of the bowl.
If you want a feeder that Quail will not waste the feed, check out the feeder that I build, It's called THE BEST EVER QUAIL FEEDER. You can see pictures if you go to my BYC page .
why not just put your feeder inside a tub. either cut a hole for entry or just let them hop up and in. i'v seen this before and like it alot. not a pretty looking deal but it is effective on not wasting your $$$
I use the feeders made by jimsbirdhouse "the Best ever Quail feeder". I also use it for young chicks. They are extremely efficient and very little waste.
Plus one on Jim's I have all sizes he makes & love his feeders. They beat all other feeders plus the way there designed makes it easy for the birds to eat out of. The red ones seems like the birds are always crawling inside to eat poor design.

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