Did you know that chickens can learn tricks??

oh well:) we just stroke their backs and they sit until they want to leave.:) at night when they are ready to go to bed, we walk out to their pen and tell them to jump down into it because they will roost on the edge until we get there. we shine a flashlight, say jump in girls, and they jump in:) they've also learned where the corn is kept and now every time me or my grandpa walks to the storage building they follow right behind us and wait outside the door for a handful of corn:) ive gotten them to run with me too:)

That's great! I'd say your girls are very well trained!! AND. . .they have you and grandpa trained as well!
I have been trying to teach my chickens tricks but my sister and brother won't let me get near their chickens so I guess I can just teach 4 of my 6 hens.

One of them named Speckles who is totaly my chicken is so sweet she knows her name and will come when called. She will also follow me around even when treats aren't involved. she is an Auracana who is about 8 months old.

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