Sudden Chicken Death Syndrome?

I wondered about this as one of my young hens who had just started laying was found dead in her coop this morning and no previous signs of illness. I am very sad about her death.
Sorry to hear about your hen, my sympathies to you. After one dies you can't help but worry about the others. I'm looking carefully at my methods of caring for mine since I had 2 die recently. I am just trying to do my best. Hope all your others stay healthy and happy, and you too!
Thank you very much for your kind words. It means alot. So far everybody else seems to be doing just fine so I hope this was a random thing. Now if I can get my other girls to start laying again!

My healthy young white leghorn suddenly died today. She laid an egg today just as every other days. I am so sad! I brought her body to the shop that I bought her from 8 months ago as a chick. The vet is going to take a look at her tomorrow. I hope this will not happen again to the rest of my chickens. I take care of them everyday with clean water, healthy food and clean coop. God help me!
My healthy young white leghorn suddenly died today. She laid an egg today just as every other days. I am so sad! I brought her body to the shop that I bought her from 8 months ago as a chick. The vet is going to take a look at her tomorrow. I hope this will not happen again to the rest of my chickens. I take care of them everyday with clean water, healthy food and clean coop. God help me!
Sorry for your loss and welcome to BYC.

This seems to be the place to post about sudden chicken death, well, I'll add mine which just happened yesterday.

I noticed last night that one of my young creme legbar hens was missing... it was just not like her not to be on her roost. I searched around, but it was getting late fast and even with a flashlight I was sure I probably would not be able to notice her hiding because of her coloring. This morning I did another search, this time a more intensive all over the place search. Still nothing. I figured a fox took her and came in for a bit of rest.

When I went back out, I just happened to look into our rock garden and under an azalea bush she was laying there dead. She had no marks on her whatsoever that she was hurt. Her body was in what I'd describe as a dust bath 'bin' where the soil had eroded from where a chicken had been dust bathing. She also had a bit of dirt in her feathers- particularly her tail feathers.

I have no idea what she died from, but I'm thinking she died suddenly when dust bathing? It makes no sense. She was healthy and exhibited no signs of any illness. She had just started to lay eggs a few months before, although she, and most all of my hens had stopped laying eggs because of the cold weather and probably their fall molt. As far as I know this one was not molting, but as I said, she appeared totally normal and healthy.

One thing I COULD note about her was that I almost lost her as a chick to some sort of virus or what-have-you. Her little chick tummy was what I call "pluppy" ... kind of blubbery and rotund. She had stopped eating and was trying to get warm. I think too her poop was starting to paste up on her rear end. She was hardly moving around. So I gave her some small dosages of some sort of medicine I have here, hoping it might pull her through and it did within two days. Knowing how some viruses can do harm to the body and even at that- some medications can also harm the body, maybe there was some sort of harm done back then to cause her to die so suddenly?

Anyway, its never pleasant to go through all this. I'll miss her. She was unusual because she had a blonde tuft of feathers on her head instead of the dark brown/black colored feathers that are usually on Creme Legbars.
So sorry about your little hen, it makes it harder when you've managed to pull them through an illness, then lose them to something else later on. When caring for them during an illness you get to see their little personalities so much better, and become more attached to them. :hugs
Our little 4 month old, light brahma roo suddenly passed away today. There was nothing strange or sickly about him. He just seemed like a very laid back, but apathetic rooster, but he was lively enough that he took head on and won a fight with one of our older Barred Rocks just yesterday. Today, he just seemed to be sleeping a lot as we kept him together in a smaller cage with our currently crippled pullet Tsubasa. The only thing I would say was off is that he always slept standing up, but I chucked that up to the fact that he and Tsubasa grew up together, and since Tsubasa was a runt, she always tried to get under him and slept under him, so he got used to it. I just went to go check on and found him flopped over on his side, legs stretched out, head resting, eyes closed, and not moving.

It was so sudden! Could it have been that we kept him in a smaller space with Tsubasa, could it be the layer feed that he ate with everyone? When Larkspur passed away on us, we at least knew she was sick. He exhibited no such signs at all!
 This seems to be the place to post about sudden chicken death, well, I'll add mine which just happened yesterday.  

  I noticed last night that one of my young creme legbar hens was missing... it was just not like her not to be on her roost.   I searched around, but it was getting late fast and even with a flashlight I was sure I probably would not be able to notice her hiding because of her coloring.   This morning I did another search, this time a more intensive all over the place search.   Still nothing.  I figured a fox took her and came in for a bit of rest.  

  When I went back out, I just happened to look into our rock garden and under an azalea bush she was laying there dead.   She had no marks on her whatsoever that she was hurt.   Her body was in what I'd describe as a dust bath 'bin' where the soil had eroded from where a chicken had been dust bathing.   She also had a bit of dirt in her feathers- particularly her tail feathers.  

   I have no idea what she died from, but I'm thinking she died suddenly when dust bathing?   It makes no sense.   She was healthy and exhibited no signs of any illness.   She had just started to lay eggs a few months before, although she, and most all of my hens had stopped laying eggs because of the cold weather and probably their fall molt.    As far as I know this one was not molting, but as I said, she appeared totally normal and healthy.    

  One thing I COULD note about her was that I almost lost her as a chick to some sort of virus or what-have-you.   Her little chick tummy was what I call "pluppy" ...  kind of blubbery and rotund.  She had stopped eating and was trying to get warm.  I think too her poop was starting to paste up on her rear end.   She was hardly moving around.   So I gave her some small dosages of some sort of medicine I have here, hoping it might pull her through and it did within two days.    Knowing how some viruses can do harm to the body and even at that- some medications can also harm the body, maybe there was some sort of harm done  back then to cause her to die so suddenly?  

     Anyway, its never pleasant to go through all this.   I'll miss her.  She was unusual because she had a blonde tuft of feathers on her head instead of the dark brown/black colored feathers that are usually on Creme Legbars. 

So sorry. In that setting, I'd be inclined to think something startled her. They have been known to drop dead from fright. :/

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