Anyone make a BIG chicken tractor?

I built one that was 12' by 32' and it lasted one day. It is now two 12' by 16' tractors. You need really flat terrain for a really large tractor. My 12 week old Leghorns were out of the tractor in 5 minutes,

This is my 10x10 chicken tractor, I can pull it a foot or two (tow rope not attached yet in these pictures,) but my 50 something year old back really appreciates the tractor pulling it for me. I put a small tarp on top for shade.
i have 2 that are 8X12 (they are 2 big) and 1 that is 8X8 about the right size... the reson you cant pull them with a tractor or truck or 4 weeler is that they all run to the back of the cage to get away from the noise and then get run over...
I place a cushion between rope and my skin. Cushion / rope is against my tail as I backup pulling tractor. Takes load off back and enable watching chicks during first couple moves to ensure they do not get runover by rear part of tractor.

My tractor is of the Salatin style and also limited to the flatter parts of pasture.
I had the experience of squishing 2 birds my dog disturbed as he barked at the birds. Not fun. He knew we wanted them to move, he just got it wrong. My coops are 4 ft tall 5 ft wide and 10 and 12 feet long, with a coophouse on the end. It is 4 x width, and they can run under it. I have too many predators here, so they only run free when I am around. A stray dog just got one of our Americauna Hens, and was finishing the gorge when I saw it. It was too close to roads and house to shoot.

Anyway, the tractors I have I move with a lawn tractor, and the girls are attracted to the new grass. Mostly going slow and letting them move along is not a problem. A tractor that is too large can be a pita. Mine are built heavy with 2x4s so the bottoms act like skis, and the ropes lift the end a bit when pulling, as they are tied around the bottom of the posts. (corners) I use the poly rope boaters use, and it is fed back into itself like a chinese finger, and dont pull out.
Thank you, my husband and a friend are good guys, it took but a few days and not much money. I don't remember where we found the design but I think it was from BYC showing step by step how to build it. My girls love it and I take comfort that they are safe from above.

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