Review of Dorkings as a table bird *update: pics and weight of our last Dorking rooster*

I know the eggs I have received have mostly been either in an egg carton packed in either newspaper shavings or wrapped in bubble wrap or eggs wrapped in bubble wrap in a box of shavings then that box is in another box with shavings around it. Not sure how much it costs to ship but for most people for a dozen I have paid like 15$ for shipping plus the cost per egg.
A great tip given to me by a Dorking breeder here in Australia. Put the egg carton inside a wine bottle box from the post office. They handle those LIKE EGGS!! Ha ha pun intended.
Is there something wrong with me?? I butchered some Dorking roosters and I don't like it. I'm a white meat person. Could this be it? Everyone else liked it.
Is there something wrong with me?? I butchered some Dorking roosters and I don't like it.  I'm a white meat person.  Could this be it?  Everyone else liked it.

I think a lot depends how it's cooked. The breast are good for grilling or another other method you like. Thighs are good for things like coq au vin and soups; anything that is slow with lots of moisture. I use the legs/drumstick for stock and the meat that comes off them after a long slow simmer is good for soups and things like chicken salad.
Thanks for the reply. I souped the rooster since it was older. I cooked it like I did my store bought chicken. I simmered it for almost 48 hours. Everyone else thought it was wonderful. I'm just not a dark meat eater. However, I won't get rid of my Dorkings since I really like the breed. They're eggs are just delicious, too.

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